Today was graduation at my Alma Mater...and my fiance' (Christopher) and his parents went to watch some of our best friends graduate. I stayed home.... there was a dual purpose to me staying home...
1) I got extra study time since my FINAL test as a FIRST YEAR medical student is THURSDAY!!! and 2) I got to stay and watch Tungsten.
So the sight in my living room included me sprawled out on my couch with piles of paper trying to relearn all of Cardiovascular block...ineffeciently I may say as i was blog surfing, facebooking, and even playing some Call of Duty ( my dirty little secret...I love to play certain video games with or without Christopher)...
Anywho and I look over and Tungsten is asleep with his two favorite stuffed animals!! It was absolutely adorable!
Seeing him laying there asleep made my day! Tungsten truly is a joy in my life, he shares so much love and has such life in him....
I love my dog...and I just wanted to share it (as if I haven't before)...Maybe a cute puppy cuddling with his favorite stuffed animals will make someone else's day too!!
O My......I can only image when I have kids...
So here's to dogs being cute!!
and it making your day once in a while!!
<3 A

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