
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Science Can be Beautiful....

      So..for a short study break I decided to share the beauty that one can find in science. Typically when you think of scientific research you think about nerds in lab coats, beakers, test tubes, piles of paper, and lots of refrence books laying around. And, yes...this is all true (I admit I worked as one of those nerds in a labcoat during college, and it was a wonderful experience), however, there is beauty and art in science as well. Here are some images that result from scientific study, be it immunohistochemistry  or staining prodecures. These images are of tissues that we all have within us...and they are AMAZING...  I hope you Enjoy

Here's hoping tommorow goes well!
<3 A

1 comment:

  1. Med school! you are awesome! Good luck, and enjoy yourself. I think that is so fun!

    I found you on Design it Chic and am following now. Your blog is lovely!


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